Savages (2012) Deutsch

Savages (2012) Deutsch

Information for Savages (2012)

Regie: Oliver Stone
Erscheinungsdatum: 03 October 2012
Dauer: 130 minutes
Genre: Thriller
Staring: Blake Lively, John Travolta, Aaron Johnson, Taylor Kitsch, Uma Thurman
Land: United States (2012)
Original language : German | Children admitted

Description for Savages (2012) Deutsch

Business men Ben, your quiet plus altruistic marijuana designer, plus companion Chon, your original Navy SEAL, perform your money-making, homegrown field : bringing up some of the best grass possibly made. Additionally promote your one-of-a-kind like by using Ophelia. Everyday living is definitely idyllic for their Southern California town� through to the Mexican Baja Cartel needs to transfer around plus involves the fact that trio soulmates along. Should the merciless travel of your BC, Elena plus the girl�s enforcer, Lado, miscalculate a unbreakable rapport of your some associates, Ben and Chon : together with the too ashamed service on the grimy DEA representative : income your ostensibly unwinnable showdown about the cartel. And therefore takes place a series of ever more aggresive ploys plus techniques inside of a great pins, savage war with wills.

Savages (2012) Deutsch


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